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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

For students and pupils - get better grades + video

How to get better grades at school or university?

Answers the following questions to yourself !

  • Do you sometimes have that feeling, that you can get better grades at school or University, but somehow just miss something?
  • Have you ever noticed that the grade you get in specific subject doesn’t depend on how much time and effort you put in studying?
  • Can you say that you know more than your grades show?
  • Have you ever had that feeling, that others are able to get excellent grades almost doing nothing, whereas you put huge effort with no visible result?
  • Do you sometimes explain your failures in test or exams as lack of talent, mental performance or luck?

    If you can give positive answer to any of those questions then this is the article for you! ✓

    I think most people have heard something about such things as Law of attraction (LOA), mind power, mind programming. Everyone have heard something of this, many use it, but only some really know how to efficiently use these laws of nature and scientific discoveries.
    Nevertheless what is your attitude to this attraction and mind power think, it works and always.
    You have the option to stop reading this article now or you may proceed and discover an easy 4 step formula, that will help you get better results at studying right now. I will reveal it to you soon enough and you will find it easy to use in your daily life. Improving your result at studying is as an example here, but actually you can use this in any aspect of your life. This formula is tested. It works. Always.

    Step 1. – Study what you enjoy!

     To achieve the desired result in something, others would suggest you to study more, to force yourself, to overcome dislike, unwillingness, laziness, etc. I say -  those are destructive actions. Drop the idea of them. You don’t have to force yourself on doing what you don't like. You have to learn what you enjoy! And that is very important – learn what you enjoy and you will get your result. 

    Don’t like any subject? ☹
    Then find it. It is really so important! You cannot succeed if you are not doing what you enjoy.

    So what you have to do, is to take at least one subject you enjoy and promise yourself to become just perfect at it. Start working on that. Study your favourit subject more than others, study even more than you have to. You can even forget about the subjects you don’t like for some time. Do the minimum at them. Focus your attention and energy at those subject you like.

    This way you will learn, that studying is fun, it brings joy into your life. Soon enough you will notice that you wanna know and understand. It will let you look at other subject differently than before. Maybe you will notice they are somehow connected and, in order to be succeful in your favourite subject, you need some knowledge of others. Maybe by studying subject what you like, you will get to know more about subject you hate. You can’t get that idea just by reading this, you have to try. So try it! You will see that a lot of knowledge just comes to us, we don’t even have to push them into our brain. Knowledge comes to us, when we do what we like. When you will be able to enjoy studying, you will want to study even more and maybe you will start enjoying those subjects you hated before.

    The main thing – do not take studying as obligation. Do not look at school as some power or control over you.

    They say, in order for brain to function correctly, you have to learn systematically. Well, that is true. But don’t you think it is more pleasant to systematically learn what you love than to systematically push  information you consider nonsense  into you head?
    By systematically studying what you enjoy, you will increase your brain potential. Then you will understand that you can get good results in subjects that are not yours. You will notice that it takes less effort now and you always remain time for those subjects you enjoy.

    If you really can’t find any subject you like, then focus on your hobbies. It’s a good idea to develop your extra skills. They can be useful. The most important is that you do what you like, always. When I am not into studying I stop doing that even the exam is next day. I start playing the guitar, singing, watching movie, listening to music. After doing my hobbies I got inspiration to study.

    If that is working for me, why coudn’t it work for you?

    Step 2   - Visualization

       Some time ago I used visualization to improve my learning ability. Thanks to visualization, I raised my math level from 5 to 9 in a month, passed many exams practising only a day before. Visualization helped me to get convinced about myself and to feel successful. Now I don’t need visualization for this purpuse, but I want to tell you about that.

       I’m sure you’ve heard, that everything you see around is a result of our thoughts. Thats is true. We are the result of our thoughts as well. Maybe you believe in destiny and would say that our lifes are pre-determined and that we are each playing our own role, just like in theatre. In this case, you will have to drop these ideas, case you wanna make your own reality. I say, life is not a staged show, it is a game  and we set the rules and we can change them anytime. We just have to follow our own rules. Visualization technique would not be necessary, in case you could consider yourself as a creator of your own life and could live in faith that you can achive anything you want and that there are no limits at all.

    So what this visualization technique is about?

    It is about imagining that you have already achieved you aim.

    How can you use it for attracting better grades?

    Do the following!

         Determine your aim. Like – I will pass all my exams with excellent results. The goal must be clear and   expressed with intention.  Remember that feeling when you succeed. Hold that feeling inside you. It will help you with visualization.
    When you have time for yourself (and you got to find time for yourself), it can be before falling asleep, sit back or lay down and make sure no one will disturb you. Drop any thoughts that can interfere to focusing to your aim. Try to relax. You can try some breathing exercises, watch you breathing or meditate, if you know what I mean. Then start to imagine, how will you feel after you reach your aim (remeber those feelings of success I was telling you before). You have to make yourself feel that you have already successful and your aim has been reached. It is already happened. You have to feel it with the whole body. Don’t worry, if you can’t get those feeling right away. You are just exercising! The main thing – you have to enjoy this. To increase your sensation of success, you can imagine your grades report, certificate, teacher praise, and so on. It can be anything that can make you feel your aim being reached. Expect good results. It’s very important to try to be optimistic about yourself. Tell yourself that you can and ignore the people who say otherwise.       Welcome new ideas and listen to your inner guide. Do what you feel is rigth in every situation.  We can say that new ideas on how to get you result is a by-product of visualization technique. These new ideas can lead you to your aim straight away and you even not notice how that happened.

    This one moment idea worked for me a couple of times. In one exam, I got question I didn’t know the answer to. I got that feeling inside me, that I  have to change it to another (though it is not allowed). But I followed my inner guide and changed the question without teacher noticing it. It was the only moment to do that. I got the best grade at that exam! Forget it, I am not inviting you to cheat! I was studying very hard for that exam, but got the only question I was not prepared for. So you have to study hard! But some cheating is always allowed. :)

    And one more thing before I move to the next step, you have to always focus on result, not to specific question you know better and intend on having at your exam. So don’t try to visualize getting your favourite question, but rather getting the best result.

    You have to feel successul before taking an exam, and the best will happen!

    Step. 3 – Success mantras

       In every day life we are facing more negative news than positive ones. Disasters, murders and thefts happen all the time. And all the time someone will write about that. Are there really so  few beautiful things to write about? Don’t you think that the more we write about negativity, the more we get of it?  There is a saying – good news are bad news. These news are the most read, cited, discussed. Maybe there are people who feel better because someone’s in trouble. Maybe that makes them feel better about their life? Often we say to inspire others – be happy about you being able to walk, there are people, who don’t have legs? Or like this – there are people who are in trouble and they would like to be in your place, so don’t be sad? People sometimes cheer about others mishaps. But you can’t be successful thinking like that! Any information which is processed by the mind, leaves a trace in it.

    The mind is everything. What you think you become. Buddha
    Law of attraction?  Right.

    We have to stop thinking that negative information that comes into our minds. Solution – not to follow news or don’t watch TV ? Maybe just don’t let that negative information make such a big impact on us. That’s a good solution, but it does not compensate the lack of positive thoughts.

    What do I suggest? Success mantras.

    What is that? It is not something new, those are affirmations; Positive statements, that can clear your mind from any negative information. You just have to repeat to yourself those positive statements and by repeting them, you can stop your mind from focusing on negaticity and break your limitation you set for yourself. Human body reacts to information, received and processed by brain. Both your mood and feeling is dependent on information you are focusing the most. So it is so important to feed you brain with something nice. 

    Those success mantras you can invent by yourself, but I will offer you one such mantra, that I used some time ago. It helps to develop better memory and success in exams. Repeat it before taking exams.

    Here it goes:
    I know that my subconscious mind is also a treasure chest of memories. It stores all the information that I read in books, listen in lectures, find in online resources. I have an excellent memory. It gives me answers to every question whenever I need in exams, tests and contests. I feel sympathy for all my classmates and teachers and they have the same feelings about me. I sicerely wish them success and luck.
    And I invite you now to watch a video I made for this. It’s a combination of affirmations, pictures and music, helping you to visualize better results at school/Univeristy.

    You can use success mantras every time you feel down and pesimistic. You can say something like this – „Today is my lucky day!”, „Today is my great day!”, „I always succeed in all areas of life!”, „I will succeed. I always succeed.”, „I deserve success!”, „I am the creator of my own life!”, etc.
    Invent you own success mantras and repeat them to lift youself up.
    Convince yourself that you are the best! And that will do.

    Step 4 – Help and ask for help

    There was a time, I did not want to help others at all. I felt like the smartest in my class, so I also didn’t need any help. But after some time I started to do worse and worse at school and more often I had this need for others help. And then I started to think over.
    Remember the law – the more you give, the more you receive! Everybody know this. But not everybody understand that by giving you don’t have to expect something back. You just have to help others because you like so. You enjoy helping others. Feel honored that you are asked for help. That means you know something!
    And remember – people like to help each other. So ask for help whenever you need it. Every time there is someone that can help you. And every time there is someone you can help. By sharing knowledge with each other we share our experience that can not be read in books. We can this way get faster results in anything.
    And by helping others you have an opportunity to strengthen your knowledge.
    These are those 4 steps that you should perform in order to get better grades.
    Have a lucky day! 

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