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Meditation is...

Meditation is almost impossible to define. Actually there is no definition, only a lot of descriptions. There are no rules, that can tell you how to meditate.


Monday, February 25, 2013

My Meditation techniques - Vipassana

   In the previous article about meditation, I got to the point that meditation is not an action, so doing meditation techniques is not meditation. Meditation techniques are just exercises, they are good and they are needed for you to prepare for the meditation. Meditation itself will come to you when you will let it in. And it can come to you any time, while you work, sleep, sit, eat; it doesn’t matter what are you doing, meditation can come to you anytime. Sometimes I feel meditation just for a momemt, it’s a moment of enlightenment. I bet you have experienced something like that. For example, you watch a movie or whatever, and then you start realizing that you allow your mind to go it’s own way, you are not in your mind. Those are great feelings -  to feel the moment, which is the only reality.

In every day life I practice several meditation techniques.
This time I will tell you about Vipassana meditation, which will work almost for anyone.

Vipassana meditation

   Vipassana meditation is about sitting silently and watching your breath. Follow your breath starting from inhale all the way to exhale. Feel your breath. The only thing that happens is your breathing, nothing else matters. When you start observing  your breath like this, you will notice that there are two points where your breath stops – gaps between inhalation and exhalation. That’s a very wonderful moment when your breath naturally stops. Catch that moment, feel it. It’s a really sesational moment. And remember, you don’t have to influence your breathing, you just witness it, observe it.  

I like how OSHO describes vipassana meditation. OSHO about gap in the breathing pattern:

Remember, you are not to stop it; it stops on its own. If you stop ityou  will miss  the  whole  point, because  the  doer  will  come  in  andwitnessing will disappear. You are not to do anything about it. Youare not to change the breath pattern, you are neither to inhale nor toexhale. It. is not like Pranayam of yoga, where you start manipulatingthe breath; it is not that. You don’t touch the breach at all – you allowits naturalness, its natural flow. When it goes out you follow it, when it comes in you follow it. OSHO, the orange book

The stopping point in your breathing pattern is the most significant.

...when the breathing stops youare  there, perfectly  there  –  you  are  perfectly  conscious, utterlyconscious.  And  the  breath has stopped, breathing  is  no more  there,and you are there. OSHO, the orange book

If you focus on the gap, you will notice that the gap is becoming bigger over the time. Soon enough you will realize that there is only the gap, you are no more breathing (actually you are breathing). All has stopped – the world, your mind, the time. Sit like that for some time watching your breathing, let’s say for about 20 minutes (OSHO suggests to do it 45 to 60 minutes). You can increase the time if you feel comfortable. It’s very liekely you will forget about time after some time. I advice you to do a meditation techniques when you don’t have short time limit, so you can feel comfortable and drift totally into meditative state.

Do this meditation technique once or twice a day (I do once). It’s helpful to sit at the same place and time every day. Soon your body will ask for meditation at that time and it will be easier for you to drift into meditation and release your thoughts.

Breath naturally, this is not a breathing exercise. So you don’t have to watch your breath the whole time, pay attention to whatever matters at that time – clouds, flowers, people around you, birds, etc.  Turn back to wacthing your breath time after time, when you naturally feel the need for that. Shift your attention, don’t concentrate like crazy, this is not about concentration, this is about meditation, about awareness.

For vipassana meditation choose any comfortable sitting position. You can just sit comfortably in your chair. But you have to sit, not lie down. Take a look here to choose sitting position, which is suitable for you. That is a good article about sitting positions. Some would say sitting positions and hand positions are significant, but I am not getting it. I believe my body will tell me what’s suitable for me.

What do you get from vipassana meditation?

The only aim of meditation is meditation itself. You don’t have to look for reasons to meditate. Meditate for the sake of meditation. That’s a wonderful thing. But we all want to know the positive effects of a meditation technique, right? Using vipassana meditation technique you transform yourself. It’s a self-transformation by self-observation. You drift into no-mind state, you let your body to relax. Vipassana meditation charges you with energy, clears your mind. While practising, you can feel sesational feelings, because of the huge energy flow through you body.

My experience with vipassana meditation is the best. I really enjoy it and I know you will enjoy it too. This meditation technique is really easy and very effective. This is for anyone, except if you hate sitting. 

That was a quick guide to vipassana meditation. But remember - you know how to do it by yourself!

Have a great meditation!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Meditate without leaving your computer

Do you feel sometimes you don't have time for meditation?

You better don't say that. You have to find time for yourself. It's probably more important than most of the work you do, because when you meditate you actually work with yourself, you allow your mind to coincide with your inner self. And that's very important. When you are in tune with your inner self, you can live happier life and discover what you really want to do in your life.

Often our daily routine is related to work with computers, so it seems difficult to put your work aside and relax time after time while you are working. Actually it's not that difficult. There are many ways relax your body and brain, so to be able to do your work even more efficiently.

One of the methods to relax while working is one momemt meditation. It is also called stop meditation. Stop doing whatever you are doing and start watching what's around you for about 60 seconds (or whatever time interval). Watch your colleagues working or just look out the window. Imagine you are not where you are, you are faded. Everything is going well without you, so you do not need to rush anywhere. It is a great meditation technique. It helps you to organise your thoughts and also relax your eyes. I suggest you to practise this technique several times per day.

Another way to meditate while you are at computer is watching meditation videos. There are many great meditation videos out there (I prefer to look for them in youtube). Those videos help you to relax using meditation music and beautiful video footage. It helps to bring your mind into meditative state. 

I also make my own meditation videos. This time I would like to present you my latest work - a meditation video with J.S.Epperson music. J.S.Epperson uses brainwave entrainment technologies in his music. The audio track I used in this video is from album Illumination. Listening to that album will probably enhance your creativity, motivation and productivity. J.S.Epperson is offering some of his music for free, you can find more about it here. I used one of those free tracks in my video. The video is called Bliss (the same as the music track)It's a seven minute meditation.

So let's enjoy this 7 minute journey! I suggest you to enjoy the video in high definition.

How did you like? Post your ideas in comments. 

When I find a great meditation video on youtube I add that video to my playlist called Great meditation videos

So here is that list:

Hope you are having a great day!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Visualization tool !


   Today I would like to present a visualization tool I made for you. It's a video that will inspire and motivate you. Use it daily! It will boost you self-confidence. You are the creator, you are the masterpiece. Keep that in mind and miracles will happen. Enjoy the video in high definition!

The importance of using the video daily is in the fact that more often we hear negative news and this video reminds you to focus on what you like and what you want to achieve.

I you want to discuss Law Of Attraction, you can join mastermind group here.

New inspirational videos are coming up. Make sure you subscribe my blog for new content (follow by email field at the right pane)

If you liked the video, spread it to the world ! 

Have a great day! Enjoy life!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Meditation is...

   The word MEDITATION is very popular nowadays. Meditation has come to western culture from the East. I have to say though that often the whole idea of meditation is ruined in different interpretations. I have read several books about meditation and I would like to present here my point of view.

The first thing. Mediation is not an action, it is a state of being.

   Meditation, visualization, self-hypnosis – they are not the same. Both visualization and self-hypnosis are good, but they are not meditation as different sources proclaim. Off course, in order to practice visualization and self-hypnosis you have to reach some kind of meditative state (let’s say state of consciousness), but that is not meditation.

What are states of consciousness?

   The brain produces brain waves. There are five main types of them – gamma, beta, alpha, theta, delta. You can google it and find more about that. But overall it’s all about frequencies your brain produces. If gamma is related to the highest frequencies and delta to the lowest, than you can imagine what I mean by state of consciousness. So any visualization or hypnosis is more effiecient when your brain is in a range of deep alpha state (relaxed state) and delta state (state of sleep). In these states you can reach your subconscious mind. This is  all about science. But meditation existed long before the discovery of brain waves, long before idea of visualization and hypnosis.

Meditation is almost impossible to define. Actually there is no definition, only a lot of descriptions. There are no rules, that can tell you how to meditate. Actually meditation is something personal to every people. Many people say – meditation is sitting silently. Yes, sitting silently can turn into meditation, but that’s up to that person. Many sources claim that meditation is about breathing. I say – yes, brething is important in relaxing process, but it is not meditation. It is just an exercise. Others say – you have to sit in special position  (like lotus position) and concentrate on your breath. And they call it meditation. There are lots of meditation techniques. You can look for them online or in books. But guess what I will say? Doing meditation technique is not a meditation, it is just an exercise that can lead you to meditation at some point (when you are ready to receive). So meditation is not an action. Actually you can not do meditation, but you can meditate. Where am I going with this? I mean, meditation is not about what you think or do, it’s about how you live your life.

One of the misconceptions about meditation is that it is hard to practice. Actually it is easy. But you have to come to this by yourself. You have to work with yourself, do meditation techniques you like, try to live at this moment. Later I will give you tips about how you can meditate at any moment. Many people consider difficult to do sitting meditation technique, because of the stress in their bodies. In order to release that stress there are action meditation techniques. So meditation is for anyone.

I have come to these conclusions after reading several books. But there is one person who tought me meditation. And that person is OSHO (Chandra Mohan Jain is his birth name). He has now left this planet (died at 1990), but his speeches had been recorder and now published in different resources. So everyone is able to learn from him. Off course, he is not the only one who revealed the idea of meditation, but he is definately the one who inspired me.

In order to bring the ideas to you, I will now post here some quotes, sayings and thoughts about meditation by OSHO (more information about him you can find here). And I will give my opinion and how I understand them. You are free to have you own ideas or opinions. I just want to tell you that the following ideas opened my door to the meditation. So let’s start.


The second thing. Meditation is a natural state; it’s not a discipline or practice.

Often the meditation just happens automatically. For example, meditation often happens in concerts. Both the listeners and performers are in a meditative state. They are totally into music and nothing else matters. That's a meditation.

Forget the dancer, the centre of the ego; become the dance. That is the meditation. Dance so deeply that you forget completely that ‘you’are  dancing  and begin  to feel that  you  are  the  dance.  The  divisionmust disappear; then it becomes a meditation. If the division is there,then  it is  an  exercise:  good, healthy, but it  cannot  be  said  to bespiritual. It is just a simple dance. Dance is good in itself – as far as itgoes,  it is  good.  After  it,  you  will  feel  fresh,  young.  But it is  notmeditation yet. The dancer must go, until only the dance remains. OSHO
In this quote OSHO speaks about the dancer. But we can put any occupation here (working, studying, eating, talking, etc). The main idea is that you have to totally invest yourself in what you do at the moment. Off course, it can happen in case you love what you do. If it is so, than your work can become meditation. It’s about doing things with awareness, not automatically. Have you noticed that often we are like robots, we don’t think about what we do, we just do it to gain something, to achieve something? That’s the reason we feel exausted and tired after our day. I advice you to start noticing your actions, not just perfor something you have to do, but do it with joy.

And there comes the next quote.

Meditation is nothing but putting the mind aside, putting the mind out of the way, and bringing a witnessing which is always there but hidden underneath the mind. This witnessing will reach to your center, and once you have become enlightened, then there is no problem. Then bring the mind in tune with you. OSHO

Actually the mind is what prevent us from meditation. The toughts distub us. Meditation is about being at the moment. But mind exist only in past and future. So meditation begins when mind goes away. Only then you can reach you inner self, discover yourself. You are not the mind. Only then when you have discovered who you really are, you can be free. Your mind at that moment is in tune with your inner self and you are totally free to be yourself.

There are such thing as guided meditation. You probably know it. It uses words to bring you to a meditative state. Actually it is more like hypnosis. Language is not necessary for meditation. Language exist when mind exist. But meditation is a state of no-mind.
Man is imprisoned by words. Man’s whole problem is language. Below language is the world of the animals and beyond language is the world of the gods. Between the two is the world of man, the world of language, words — philosophies, scriptures, theories and ideologies. The mind consists of words. The word is the brick that the palace of mind is made of, it is the stuff it is made of. OSHO

Language is a tool to get information in everyday life, but inorder to get to know who you really are, you have to go into no-mind state. Actually you have watch your mind. And when you notice that you are not your mind, you no longer need to worry about anything. You can start living joyfully. You just watch how your life flows. You are the observer.

Just watch the body, the mind. They are not you, you are the watcher. OSHO

Meditation starts by being separate from the mind, by being a witness. That is the only way of separating yourself from anything. If you are looking at the light, naturally one thing is certain: you are not the light, you are the one who is looking at it. If you are watching the flowers, one thing is certain: you are not the flower, you are the watcher.Watching is the key of meditation. OSHO

The third thing. Whatch your mind.

So the main thing I learned about meditation from OSHO is that "watching thing". We can only experience meditation by being separate from mind. But there is no need to escape from mind, just watch your mind.

 So you can say meditation is another name of watching, witnessing, observing - without any judgement, without any evaluation. Just by watching, you immediately get out of the mind.... OSHO

Sounds very easy right? Well it is so, but you need to realize this by yourself.

When I started to watch my life from aside, I became more confident, more relaxed, less stressed, less worried. I became a different person. You know people often have problems and difficulties. They become stressed about that all. But you are not your problems. You are just watching how your mind creates and solves all those problems. You are no longer a slave to your mind. Your mind creates things and operates with them. Your mind creates your life. But you are just watching that all and enjoying life. This is amazing.

The fourth thing. Meditation has no goal.

Although, doing meditation techniques can improve health, break your limits, improve your abilities, meditation itself is not goal orientated. In different sources we can find information about how to use meditation to improve health, earn more money, be more successful. Actually meditation cannot be used with intention to gain something. You can visualize better health, you can try to attract more money, but you cannot meditate to get those things. When you try to meditate with intention to achieve something, the mind is in front and meditation goes away. Those are opposite things – mind and meditation.

If  you  are meditating for something, then you are concentrating, not meditating.

Meditation is an understanding that desires don’t lead anywhere. OSHO

We live in the world where desires are very important. When you desire something, you can get it. We try to attract things in our lifes (Law of Attraction). I am a big fan of Law of Attraction too. But when it comes to meditation, I put my desires aside. Then the meditation can begin.

Finally. Meditation techniques are important. They are exercises. They prepare you for the meditation.

 I will write my favourite meditation techniques later (in other article).

It’s important to choose some meditation techniques you like and practice them daily. I definately recommend you to check out the web page www.osho.com. You can find many OSHO meditation techniques there, including dynamic meditations. And I also suggest you to look for orange book by OSHO, there are plenty of meditation techniques there. Or you can take a look at other sources. There are many meditation teachers out there and I just told you about the one who inspired me.

I look forward to post new articles about my experience with meditation.

Have a great day!

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